This little piggy went away

Shortly after I started experiencing joint pain and swelling in my hands due to Lupus (which was practically right away), I came up with the phrase "piggy" to describe any digit that was swollen, tender, or aching. My family came to rely on my nomenclature - asking frequently if there were any piggies in the house or some other endearing phrase to find out how I was feeling on a daily basis. While I haven't had any sign of a piggy in over a year, I had one last night. My left pointer finger was the culprit this time, and while I racked my brain for a reason how I might have strained, bumped, or bruised it, I knew full well what the cause was.

I've been running a mile a minute lately - trying to wrap up a few projects around the house, getting ready for my parents to visit this weekend, and doing my best to manage the anxiety that's beginning to set in due to Bun's pending arrival. I can hardly contain the nervous, excitable energy I have, but I need to start doing a better job of it. I've been remiss in not getting a full 9-10 hours of sleep at night (because I'm too busy "doing"), and I've shaved off 15-30 minutes from my nap for the past couple of days, just because I feel like I don't need it. While my mind feels like it might not, my body (and in particular my "piggies") are saying yes we do!

Another cause of my anxiousness might have been the recent computer problem I experienced: my hard drive crashed on my laptop last week, and while I have earlier versions of my completed book backed up, I didn't have a copy of Chapters 7 and 8 in their finished form. I know, I know. You don't have to tell me now how crazy I've been for not backing up. But thankfully, the genius of the computer guy I use came through, and he was able to recover almost all of the data - except for Chapter 1. I consider myself lucky, because the first chapter was saved and backed up ages ago.

I'm also thankful that when I woke up this morning, my piggy was gone. Let's hope that I've learned my lesson on all accounts: slow down, back up, and rest. Easier said than done!


maryshome said…
I love your blog :)

Sara Gorman said…
Glad you're tuning in, and thanks for the comment!
Anonymous said…
stopping by to say hello, Happy weekend.

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