Great Doctors


Dr. Neil Stahl
Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease Associates
Burke and Woodbridge

Dr. Phillip Kempf
Arthritis Clinic of Northern Virginia
703 525-3069

Dr. Claudia Saba
Northern Virginia Center for Arthritis
703 573-0130

Dr. Harvey A. Schwartz
703 751-8804

Dr. Kathleen N. Price
Medical Surgical Group - Northern Virginia
Falls Church

Washington D.C.
Dr. Susan Lacks
Northwest D.C.
(202) 293-8855

Dr Rodolfo Curiel
GW University/MFA
Northwest D.C.
(202) 741-3333

Dr. John Meyerhoff
Sinai Hospital, Baltimore
(410) 601-6840

Dr. Prahba Ranganathan
Washington University Medical Center
St. Louis and Creve Coeur


Dr. Michael Walczyk
Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc.


Dr. George Bazaco
Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialty
Fairfax and Manassas


Dr. Charles Weber
Tri-State Surgery CenterDubuque
(563) 584-4425

Perinatology/High-Risk Obstetrician

Northern Virginia Perinatal Associates
Dr. Al Khoury, Dr. Barbara Nies, Dr. Huda Al-Kouatly, Dr. George Bronsky

Internal Medicine

Dr. Jared Morton
Idaho Falls
(208) 535-4300

General Medicine

Dr. Stephen Rex
Mount Vernon Primary Care
(703) 799-4000

Dr Amy Numrych
Bellevue Family Medicine
(425) 454-5311


Jill Campbell saidā€¦
Do you have a good Doctor in Las Vegas?
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
Jill--thanks for the inquiry! I don't know of anyone out in Nevada, but I'll put out an email and see what recommendations i receive. my doctor is often helpful re: referrals, so we'll see what he comes up with, too! I'll comment again once i hear something.
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
Jill--my doctor wasn't able to come up with any names, unfortunately, but he recommended that you contact the lupus foundation of america las vegas chapter. the chapters usually have a great list of resources, including doctors. i hope you're able to connect with someone!
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
Jill--my doctor wasn't able to come up with any names, unfortunately, but he recommended that you contact the lupus foundation of america las vegas chapter. the chapters usually have a great list of resources, including doctors. i hope you're able to connect with someone!
kimmyM saidā€¦
Hi, Thank you for your wonderful blog!! I'm new to Lupus and I am in the process of educating myself now that I'm feeling a little better. Wondering if you had any "Good Dr." in Indianapolis? Thank you!!
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
I had a name to recommend a few years ago, but he has since retired. :( But i'm sure Debbie at the Indiana Chapter of the lupus foundation can help. Definitely give them a call. I've spoken alongside many good indy docs in workshops, so i know you can find one! Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you again!
Unknown saidā€¦
Hello Sara,

I am contacting you on behalf of my daughter who is 15yrs old. She is has been seen by 5 different specialist at the New Orleans Children's Hospital. But they all want to treat each system as a stand alone issue. Does your doctor have any colleagues in the Louisiana area? Or Texas?

Sara Gorman saidā€¦
K.Kyle - Hello! Working on a recommendation for you! I'll let you know if my doctor comes back with anything. Have you been able to reach out to any lupus organizations in your area? They often have a list of recommended doctors. If you don't mind, shoot me an email at so i can pass on any referrals I get. Thanks so much and tell your daughter to hang in there. I'm sorry you're getting the run around!
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
K. Kyle - i have some references for you! Just shoot me an email at and i'll pass them along. Thx!

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