Disease Activity Poll - the Results
29% of you are doing fantastic, which is great to hear.
35% of you are doing pretty well, only reporting mild disease activity.
11% of you aren't doing that great, and currently suffer from frequent symptoms that continue to worsen.
The most unfortunate news - 29% of you reported feeling downright crummy because you are currently in a flare.
Hopefully, the fact that almost 30% of us out there with Lupus are doing great (with another 30% who are doing well) gives those who aren't feeling so hot hope for improvement. The disease can and will get better - just make sure you're taking the steps you can to keep the disease activity in check.
For a quick reminder on how to do this, check out the Lupus Lesson and the Lighten Your Load Ticker at the side of my blog.
And remember the common environmental triggers of Lupus. While cutting down on any of the following isn't a guarantee for disease inactivity: Stress, Fatigue, Overexertion, and Sun Exposure, it sure might help!
Fall can be a tough time to ratchet back your activity level. After all, summer vacation is over and you're ready to get back to work and start "doing". But remind yourself that living well isn't a seasonal thing. It's a lifelong decision that takes a little effort every single day. You're worth it, so keep at it!