Bun's first official film strip

Oh, the picture obsession has begun. Just take a look at Bun now - 4 lbs, 10 oz at 33 weeks.
We are now into weekly appointments, and have started Non Stress Test Fetal monitoring. My tummy gets strapped to a couple of monitors and then we listen to Bun's heart beat away for 20-45 minutes. The goal is to establish a baseline heart rate, and then for the baby to experience 2 separate rate increases each measuring at least 10 beats higher than the baseline. The first time I got all hooked up, Bun had the hiccups...so we had to wait for those to subside. (If you've never heard a baby in the womb with hiccups - it's something else!)
Weekly sonograms will continue through the end of the pregnancy, along with a couple more checks on the PR interval (checking for heart block.) The PR checks should end soon, but for now I don't mind. Who wouldn't want to spend a few extra minutes staring at Bun each week!
We're headed to our hospital tour this morning. I'll be sure to expound on everything I learn!
Chronic Chick Talk