Hope for the Best, Plan for (almost) the Worst

What a bummer! My blogger friend over at Lupus Pie was in a flare this past month. She hasn't posted a blog entry for a little over a month and half, and I don't blame her. If I was flaring, my fingers wouldn't want any part of this keyboard action, either.
It's a good reminder, I suppose, that although I'm doing everything I can to keep myself well and flare-less, the disease does have a mind of its own. I don't really know what to expect after I give birth. I know that the trauma, drop in hormones, fatigue, stress, or any other number of issues can bring on a flare, and while I'm hopeful it won't happen, I'm trying to set myself up just in case it does.
I'm working on hiring someone to come in 4 hours a day/5 days a week so that I can get a little rest each afternoon. And currently, this same nanny candidate is willing to add 4 more hours in the morning if need be. Johnny's armed and ready to help out in the mornings as it is, and my mom is coming to help for a week or so once Bun arrives. My in-laws will do their part, too, I'm sure. After all, who won't want to spend quality time with Mr. or Miss Bunito?
But - I'm fully aware that "quality time" will most likely NOT be between the hours of 11pm and 7am...so I'm all over the night shift. And you know what? If I flare...I flare. I can't do anything more about it tod

I'm not in denial; I'm not being overly optimistic. I'm just taking one day at a time. And you know what? It feels great!