Aug 27th : Lupus Fundraiser at lucy

A local fundraising opportunity tied to a shopping trip? What could be better!

lucy, an apparel store in Fairfax Corner, is sponsoring a fundraiser at the end of August for the Lupus Foundation of America Greater Washington chapter. Don't miss out on your chance to save big and donate at the same time! lucy carries active wear for women, and is a nationwide chain.

On Wednesday, August 27 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., lucy will offer 20% off to anyone who mentions the Lupus Foundation, and LFAGW will receive 10% of the total proceeds of those sales. This is a great opportunity for the chapter, and if successful, there is already a possibility that lucy will run the promotion again later in the year!

Check out Lucy's website to see their selection, and if you're in the area, be sure to stop by and pick up a little something for yourself. It's definitely for a good cause!


Anonymous saidā€¦
Thanks for letting me know about the lucy promotion - they are based here in Oregon and it occured to me what a wonderful resource for potential support with our walk coming up in Portland in September. I've shot an email off to them - fingers crossed. Too bad so few of us can afford their stuff, though. Its awesome...

Once again, you're the go-to gal, Sara!
Sara Gorman saidā€¦
Good luck with that lead! I hope they're as willing to participate as the store in Virginia. If you need any further information on how the partnership was structured, let me know. I'm sure I can put you in contact with someone who knows!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey, every bit helps! Email me the details, please :)

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