Lupus, Prednisone and Patient/Doctor care - Great infographic from GSK!

This comprehensive infographic from GSK (the maker of Benlysta) does a great job of highlighting some key components involved in lupus patient/doctor care.

Taken from the results of a global survey, the infographic delves into prednisone use - always a topic of conversation at the doctor's office, right?

Personally, I can't remember a rheumatologist's appointment where my doc and I didn't utter the word "steroid." In fact, he just reduced my daily dose to 2.5mg...and things are going well. Three cheers for a successful prednisone taper!  

Take a look below - it appears there's room for improvement when it comes to doctor/patient communication. 

As patients, let's do all we can to make it better. By being open, honest, and accurate about our prednisone usage and symptom activity, we can arm our medical professionals with the information they need to treat our disease properly, particularly as it relates to steroids!  


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