"A nap a day could save your life". I couldn't agree more!

You know that any news article that begins "It is the news that nap afficionados have been waiting for" is bound to catch my eye!

I've considered myself an expert napper for quite some time. I've been religiously taking a daily nap for the past 12 years, and have had tremendous success in managing my illness because of it.  While personal experience is incentive enough to rest my eyes, it's always nice to read about medical findings on why napping midday is such a darn good idea. 

The article, titled "A nap a day could save your life, research suggests" comes from The Telegraph, and is worth the read. I've included snippets below, but feel free to read the entire article here.


Research involving almost 400 middle-aged men and women found that those who had a nap at noon later had lower blood pressure than those who stayed awake through the day.

The findings, presented at the European Society of Cardiology annual conference in London, showed pressure was lower both when awake and later, during their night time sleep.

The small difference – of around 5 per cent – was enough to have a significant impact on rates of heart attack, researchers said.

“Two influential UK Prime Ministers were supporters of the midday nap. Winston Churchill said that we must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner while Margaret Thatcher didn’t want to be disturbed at around 3:00 pm,” he said.

“According to our study they were right because midday naps seem to lower blood pressure levels and may probably also decrease the number of required antihypertensive medications.”

Longer naps of up to an hour achieved the best results, the study found.


Here's hoping you find time this weekend for this life saving exercise. You can bet I will!


Oncoexpress said…
Lúpus é uma doença autoimune que pode afetar principalmente articulações, pele, rins, cérebro como também demais órgãos. As doenças autoimunes ocorrem quando o sistema imunológico ataca tecidos saudáveis do corpo por engano. Não se sabe porque isso ocorre, mas estudos indicam que é o resultado de uma combinação de fatores, como genética e meio ambiente. Existem 3 tipos de Lúpus: Lúpus discoide, Lúpus sistêmico, Lúpus induzido por drogas. Os sintomas são fadiga, febre, dor nas articulações, dor no peito, dificuldade para respirar, dor no peito, mancha na pelo, queda de cabelo. O tratamento é realizado com medicamentos como o micofenolato de mofetila, o cellcept, o benlysta injetável.
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