
Showing posts from January, 2013

Listen Up, Doc! Webinar with SLE Lupus Foundation in NYC!

Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi - inspiring to say the least!

It's a Patent Party!! Take 14% off your next Pillbag purchase.

Buying a Pillbag just got easier...on!

Not crazy, not alone, and not sick forever? Three things we're definitely "NOT"!

Lupus napping antics, by Sara Gorman

Listen Up, Doc! Video - Thanks, LFA Philadelphia TriState Chapter!

Indestructibility isn't all it's cracked up to be

Despite Lupus Webinar tomorrow - Tues, 1/8/13 at 12:30pm!

New drug for RA just approved - Xeljanz

"What am I?", says the Pillfold to the Pillpouch

Potty training and Lupus: Learning to expect the sidestep