Official Nap Day declared...not just on Despite Lupus, but worldwide!

My dreams have come true - the idea of napping has gone global!

My husband forwarded me this article while I was, ahem, napping today, and I woke up and decided to post it immediately. What could be better than waking up from a 2 hour snooze to learn that today, the Monday after Daylight Savings, is "National Napping Day"?

Its creator, University of Boston professor William Anthony, chose today particularly because people often feel sluggish after losing an hour of sleep due to the time change. Here, here, I say.

And it's no news to me that naps have major benefits, many of which I've blogged about here and here. Increased productivity, alertness and decision making are definite side-effects - and it seems that a well-rested body is a slimmer body, as rest can aid in weight loss.

The article also cites a book on napping, "Take a Nap! Change Your Life" by Sara C. Mednick. Since fatigue is such a major symptom of lupus, and so many lupites have found success taking naps throughout the day to fight that fatigue, I think this might be a great read for lupites everywhere...let me know if you've read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Enjoy the entire article here, and for goodness sake, get in a nap - be it today, tomorrow, or every day for the rest of the week! You'll love it!

Also note that Anthony and his wife Camille have written two books on napping and created The Napping Company, an organization devoted to showcasing the many health benefits of napping.

Seriously, somebody pinch me.


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