Let's make a list...of Good Docs!

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked for a doctor referral. Be it a friend, family member, acquaintance, or someone who's new to my Lupus group - everyone seems to need or knows someone who could use the name of a good doctor. And I love sharing the information! My doctors have been invaluable in my recovery - so nothing makes me happier than pointing someone in the direction of good health care.

Of course, all of my doctors are located in the Northern Virginia area, which is great for those of you who are local. But that doesn't do much for those of you in Boise, Idaho or Phoenix, Arizona. Sure, you could get a referral from my doctor for a trusted colleague in your area, but wouldn't it be great to have a list of good, highly recommended doctors in your area, created by Lupus patients across the country?

That's where you come in -the dedicated readers of Despite Lupus. I'm hoping you'll share the contact information of one or two doctors in your area that you couldn't do without - those select medical professionals who have helped you whip Lupus into shape. I'm looking for names from all across the country - so if you've got a good doctor, let us know about it!

Feel free to post a comment with the information, or email me at sgorman@cox.net. And include a quick blurb while you're at it - maybe just a sentence or two about what makes your doc so good.

Don't have any names to share, but are desperately looking for one? Put your request in a comment - and we'll see if we can put this Lupus network to work!

Check back over the weekend for my list of tried and true doctors in the column at the right.


Anonymous said…
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1995 and of all the different doctors I've seen during that time (which have been many because we're a military family) two have been the best to me. The first was Dr. Beth Ann Derfus who was at the time practicing in the Rheumatology office at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, WI. She has since relocated, but I haven't been able to contact her. The second was Dr. Prahba Ranganathan. She was last practicing at the Multi-Specialty Office at Washington University Medical Center in St. Louis, MO. Both of them literally saved my life at different times, and both are in my opinion dedicated doctors who listen to their patients needs and do everything in their power to get them well.
Marilyn said…
My doctor is in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Although he is an internal med doctor, he did his residency with a world renown Rhumetologist at the Mayo Clinic in Florida. I have been to doctors for about 5 years trying to come up with a diagnosis and he knew it right away, even before all the blood work was in. His name is Dr. Jared Morton. Although his people skills are not ideal, he is AMAZINGLY smart and won't rest till he has a diagnosis. Very well respected!
Sara Gorman said…
Thanks to you both for sharing! I'll be sure to add these names to the list - sounds like you guys found some real winners!
Christina said…
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1997 and have been seeing Dr. John Meyerhoff at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, MD since that time. I still make the trek up to Baltimore to see him for periodic appointments, after moving to Silver Spring, MD a few years ago after college. He has been a great doctor (rheumatologist) and has gotten me through my worst times with lupus at the beginning of my diagnosis, not to mention the whole team of dedicated doctors in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Sinai Hospital literally saved my life!
Sara Gorman said…
Thanks, Christina! Sounds like he's still worth the drive...glad you didn't move too far away. You could have moved somewhere inconvenient and horrendous...like over the river to Virginia. :)
MJ said…
Hey Sara, I don't have Lupus, but I do have an excellent primary care doc. I have every confidence she could help me with any health issue I have, and her referrals have always been excellent as well.

Her name is Dr Amy Numrych, and she's with Bellevue Family Medicine in Bellevue, WA (just outside of Seattle). Even though I've moved further away, I'm staying with her.

Hope this helps!

Be well,
Sara Gorman said…
Excellent! A good doc (of any kind) can be tough to find...so I'll definitely add her to the list. Thanks so much!

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