Running for a cause: Laura Sweltz

I'd like to introduce you to Laura Sweltz, an impressive young lady who is running the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October...all in the name of lupus. I'll let her tell you her own story, and feel free to click here to find out more. I'm sure she'd appreciate your words of encouragement and support. She's raising money for my very own chapter of the Lupus Foundation. Three cheers for theLFA DMV!
A little about Laura, in her own words:
When I was first diagnosed with lupus almost three years ago, my symptoms were very severe and I could not imagine being able to walk without pain again, let alone run. As I gained more control over the disease, I attempted to run several times but it always caused more harm than good. I assumed that I was going to have to give up running forever and that my dream of running a marathon would never get crossed off my bucket list.
Earlier this year, I finally felt healthy enough to give running another try. I started with low expectations, but with each mile I grew stronger and happier. Running provided an outlet, a place where I didn’t feel defined by my disease. After months of training, my goal of running a marathon seemed within a reach and I decided to run the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon on behalf of the Lupus Foundation of America DC/MD/VA chapter.
Running a marathon is no small feat —especially when you have lupus. Since starting marathon training, I’ve made rest and extra naps a priority and sacrificed other activities to ensure that my body can handle the extra stress. I think its worth it to tackle my goal. Lupus presents extra challenges that can stand in our way but with patience and a willingness to find a way to make things work, it doesn’t need to stop you from accomplishing your goals.
On October 27th, I will stand at the starting line prepared to run 26.2 miles to raise awareness and money to support LFA programs as well as prove to myself and others that living with lupus does not have to mean giving up on your dreams. If you feel inclined, you can support my journey by making a donation to LFA here. I also encourage you to think about the dream that you may have pushed because of lupus and see if there’s a way to make it happen.
Thanks, Laura. And best of luck!