'Tis the season for giving...so free copies of Despite Lupus it is!

A few weeks ago, the print shop I use for my books made a small mistake. I ordered a new run of Despite Lupus books, so I would have plenty of copies on hand for the holiday season. The books arrive in batches, and the first small batch that arrived looked like this: 

See that yellow block on the front? Ugh!

I called the printer once I opened the box and saw the defective covers, and they fixed the problem immediately. Within hours, a new batch of books was on its way to me, and I havenā€™t had any trouble since.

But that still leaves me with some yellowed books that are in need of a good home. Iā€™d love to donate them to a lupus organization in need ā€“a support group, a budding LFA chapter, or another lupus organization that brings lupies like us together to answer questions, offer assistance, or swap lupus stories in order to help and heal. 

Which is where I turn to you, my readers, for input. Would the lupus group youā€™re part of be a good recipient for the books? Do you know of a lupus group that would be? Between now and the end of the year, send me an email at sara@despitelupus.com, and let me know why the lupus group youā€™ve selected should receive the freebies. After the first of the year, weā€™ll select the winners and the books will be distributed. I look forward to hearing from you, and learning about the active lupus communities across the nation, and maybe even around the world!

Details of the Give-away:

WHAT: Groups of 10 signed copies of Despite Lupus to be given away to a lupus (or other chronic illness) organization in need. The book itself is exactly the same as a copy that youā€™d buy off of my website, on Amazon, or in bookstores. The yellowed cover just looks, well, a little sun-kissed.

WHEN: Nominations will be accepted between now and December 31st. To nominate an organization, please email me at sara@despitelupus.com.

Include the following information:

Organization name, mailing address and website (if applicable)
Your name and email address.
In the memo line of the email, please type ā€œFREE BOOKSā€

HOW: After the first of the year, the nominations will be collected and reviewed. Weā€™ll select the organizations, confirm contact information, and Iā€™ll sign all copies before shipping. I'll send out the free books by the end of Januaryā€“ and I look forward to spreading a little lupus cheer and kicking off 2015 with a bang! 

Spread the word and I look forward to hearing from you! 


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