"How many pills can a Pillfold hold?", asked the customer to the Pillbag Lady
But because all pills range in size and shape, it is difficult to definitively answer the question, "How many pills does the Pillfold hold?" I know you'd like to size up our pillbags, so I'll do my best to give you a few sizing guidelines.
First attempt:
As many of you know, the Pillfold has eight zippered rows - one for each day of the week, and an extra for additional medication. The rows for the days of the week are broken up into two distinct pouches, one for your morning pills, and the other for your evening pills. (Each side is designated by a sun or moon, respectively.) One side of the pillfold (that is, one half of each row, or, for example, the morning side) holds approximately 11-12 M&M candies, or 9-10 Mike&Ike candies. (Forgive us. We have a sweet tooth.)
Second attempt:
One side of the pillfold (for example,the morning side) holds equal to, though usually more pills than a single day of a traditional weekly plastic pillbox. Thus, a full Pillfold holds more than two traditional weekly plastic pillboxes put together. Plus, you have the eighth pouch for even more medication.
Third attempt: A Pillfold in action!
Thanks to a beloved customer in the UK who provided the following images of her own pillfolds, you can see how many pills she's able to fit into each side of her pillfold. The pills she's holding in her hand illustrate the pills she fits into one side (or one half) of the pillfold. You can also see another combination of pills that she fits into one side (or one half) of the pillfold, via the small plate she uses to count out her pills shown here. And below are her two pillfolds chock full. Looks like she's ready to rock!
Thanks for understanding what was needed! If you ever come up with a morning, noon and night kit I will buy that too.
My lupus flares have been kept very much at bay thanks to regularly taking my pills and monitoring for initial symptoms. Hope you had a great Christmas and all the best in the coming year.