Despite Lupus nominated for Healthline's 2014 Best Health Blog. Thank you!
Wow! I always feel so lucky to have such loyal readers who nominate Despite Lupus for Healthline's annual Best Health Blog. My sincere thanks to those who think the Despite Lupus blog is a keeper again this year. I always say - If you keep reading, I'll keep writing!
My apologies for the obnoxious badge below, but if you don't mind taking a moment to cast your vote, I'd love to see a lupus blog rise to the top of the heap. The more people who know we're out here, the better!
Click the badge below to vote. Then, type in "Despite Lupus" in the contestant box, and click "VOTE". (You might notice that Despite Lupus appears twice on the honor roll of blogs nominated. Pick either one you'd like. We're not picky!)

And thanks again for your support for what will be almost seven years of blogging. Have we really been making it with lupus for that long? What a testament to lupus patients everywhere! Thanks for voting and I hope we continue to live well, despite lupus for another seven years!
My apologies for the obnoxious badge below, but if you don't mind taking a moment to cast your vote, I'd love to see a lupus blog rise to the top of the heap. The more people who know we're out here, the better!
Click the badge below to vote. Then, type in "Despite Lupus" in the contestant box, and click "VOTE". (You might notice that Despite Lupus appears twice on the honor roll of blogs nominated. Pick either one you'd like. We're not picky!)

And thanks again for your support for what will be almost seven years of blogging. Have we really been making it with lupus for that long? What a testament to lupus patients everywhere! Thanks for voting and I hope we continue to live well, despite lupus for another seven years!