Another birthday for Deirdre. Six years and counting...

As you know, Bernadette turned 4 on Monday, and I pleased to say that Deirdre turns 6 today. Woohoo!! Here she is as a wee one:
And here she is today. Could she really be this grown up?!
She's so grown up, in fact, that she'll be helping me at the Pillbag show this weekend at St. Louis Church in Alexandria, VA. Saturday, October 11th marks their annual Community Fair, complete with a gift and craft show where you'll find Deirdre and me behind of colorful array of pink-lined pillbags! In addition to the marketplace where many vendors will be set up, there will be plenty of stuff for the kids to do: Rides, Games, Food from 5 Guys Famous Burgers, authentic Pupusas, Beverages, Ice Cream, Popcorn, Face Painting, Pumpkin Decorating, Crafts, Gifts and so much more! Almost makes it impossible to miss, eh?
Here's where we'll be. Make sure you stop by and say hello!
WHAT: St. Louis Community Fair
WHERE: St. Louis Catholic Church
2901 Popkins Lane
Alexandria, VA 22306
WHEN: Saturday, Oct 11th, from 11am - 3pm
See you there!