Aching joints deserve a break...with one of these handy jar openers!

I'm not one for "gadgets", but this thing is fabulous. I went to open this jar of sauce last night, and it was stuck. I tried one way, then the other. And then I remembered my thoughtful sister had just given me this jar opener. It was magical! It opened with ease, and I couldn't believe how the top just popped right off. So here's my endorsement:

If you have sore joints, get one of these things. If you have swollen joints, get one of these. If you have weak wrists, bad knuckles, shaky hands, sensitive fingertips...get one of these!

Here's the link to one just like it on Amazon. For just under $8.00, I say order away! 


Laura W. saidā€¦
Thanks for sharing this!! This is the hardest thing for me when my husband isn't home to help me open jars. I usually manage but it hurts so much! Will definitely be ordering one of these.

P.S. I still just LOVE my pillfold I ordered over a year ago from you, it's perfect for what I need it for and I get compliments and questions about it all the time!

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