Lupus joint pain: determining the culprits

About two weeks ago, I woke up to a little joint pain. The following evening, I went to bed with a little joint pain. When I woke up with joint pain the following morning, I knew it was time to take action. Per doctor's orders, I upped my prednisone, and of course, those magic little pills worked wonders, although the joint pain resurfaced morning after morning. But eventually, after almost two weeks of increased dosage, I managed to resume my normal 5 mg every other day, with no joint pain in sight. But it wasn't without a little work on my part, in addition to the medicine.

Because joint pain is so rare for me these days, I can usually pinpoint what might have caused the increased disease activity. If I take a quick inventory of my habits for the previous week or two, I usually see a few areas of my routine that I've let slip a little. Some slip-ups are within my control, others are not - but it always helps me to make a quick list of "culprits", so I can see how best to get back on track.

I make this list not to overwhelm or to nit pick. Rather, I do it so that I can a) feel like I'm doing something to  help my lupus predicament, b) determine what, if anything, I can change about how I've been conducting my daily routine, and c) take stock of the cumulative effect of my actions.

Here's my laundry list of culprits during the week or two in question:

*Went to bed after 11:30 or 12am three nights in a row. (Duh...)

*Pushed back the start of my nap until 3 or 3:30 pm several days over the course of the week.

*Stressed myself about a deadline I had with our architect. (I know - I need to re-read my own post!)

*Took on a couple of extra projects for my Pillbags, all of which I just jammed into my already-spoken- for time during the week.

*Got up with the girls in the middle of the night several nights due to their illnesses. (Croup and night terrors - ugh!)

*Reduced my afternoon babysitter from 5 days to 3 days, due to her softball practice. (I knew this was coming...and I KNOW I can manage...I just have to be more responsible about my naps and sleep at night.)

* Fought off a cold and sore throat the girls have been passing back and forth.

*Skipped exercising for about a week (handicapping me both physically and mentally - I need my 15 minutes three times a week!)

Looking at this list, I realize that although my symptom flare-up was annoying, it might have been avoidable. And avoidable is something I can work on. This list illustrates that lupus doesn't render me incapable of doing things, in general. I'm not incapacitated by individually staying up late, shorting my nap, or skipping my's just too tall of an order to do them all at the same time.

 I can't tackle all of this in the same couple of weeks, much less consecutive days! I have to choose, and choose wisely: Maybe I have to put off the Pillbag projects, if the renovation is in need of my attention. If I'm shorting myself on nap time, I have to make sure I make it up at night. It's not about sacrifice to me - it's about striking a balance so that I stay healthy, stable and strong. It's about being well enough so I have the choice of which projects to take on...rather than running myself into the ground so I lose that choice altogether.

Here's a quote from my book that touches on this very thing:

"Remind yourself that, while your disease limitations force you to make decisions, with decision-making comes the advent of choice." ---Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness, page 73


Dr nidhi said…
This advice is hugely relevant for all. Great Article. really very good blog site .Thanks for the useful post ....

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Sara Gorman said…
Thanks for your kind words. i appreciate hearing from you!
The Mama said…
How are you doing now? I also had joint pain and was diagnosed as lupus. I didn't believe that doctor since the signs were more of an arthritis than lupus. So, I asked for second opinion. It was rheumatoid arthritis. It was really painful and I had it for more than 2 years. Within those months, I've seen a lot of medical practitioners and physical therapists. I also consulted to a sports chiropractic. After I finished my last session of stem cell therapy with my orthopedic surgeon, Dr Purita, only then I was able to get positive results. I can't really say that I'm arthritis free now, but I'm hoping that the effects will last longer. I hope you will get better too and maybe get a second opinion too.
Sara Gorman said…
Doing much better, thank you! so glad you sought another opinipn, and came up with the right dx. i'm glad you've finally seen some relief, and i hope it continues. I'll be sure to keep after my joint pain (and my doc!) if it resurfaces!
Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Have you ever tried wearing a knee brace to reduce the pain caused by lupus?
Sara Gorman said…
My doctor's prescribed the use of a wrist brace for pain in my hands and wrists...but never a knee brace. Anyone else?
Anonymous said…
I see. Was the wrist brace like this?
Unknown said…
Lupus joint pain can be very dangerous. We should do proper care of it to prevent any other health risk. I think physical therapy is more effective treatment than taking pills to reduce this pain.back and neck pain bergen county , low back pain bergen county
NRI Matrimonial said…
Great Article. really very good blog site .Thanks for the useful post

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Unknown said…
This data is very useful to know about the causes of the joint pain. Joint pain is the disease which can be the cause of your whole life disturbance.
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Anonymous said…
Thanks for this joint pain post! I’m always seeking new on the celebrities. Keep posting!

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