Traveling Logistics: Off to Memphis!

I’m off to Memphis this weekend, to take part in the filming of a fundraising lupus video that I’m very excited about. I’ll tell you more upon its release, but I’m thrilled to be participating in the effort. Who doesn’t want to raise funds to fight this nasty little disease?

Of course, traveling to Memphis to do the film shoot required some planning and strategizing, as is often the case when it comes to lupus and travel.

Finding time to travel to Memphis was the first step. I had another trip scheduled at the end of January, and I wanted to allow enough downtime between trips to make sure I wasn’t pushing my limits. My hosts for the Memphis weekend were extremely flexible, and scheduled the shoot to coincide with the first few days I was comfortable flying again.

Scheduling a flight that would allow for adequate rest at night, didn’t infringe on my nap, but still gave me enough time in Memphis was next on the list. I considered making the trip in two days – flying out at 6am, shooting all morning, napping, shooting that evening, and then flying out first thing the following morning – but as you can imagine, that wouldn’t have turned out so well. Too much travel and too little rest makes for a very overtired, overworked lupite, and I definitely wouldn’t have been a very good interview. (Even writing about that proposed schedule makes me yawn!) So it’s three days in Memphis for me, and my hosts for the weekend have been overly accommodating, and didn’t flinch when I suggested the flight schedule.

Lastly, I wanted to make sure the actual day of filming wasn’t going to be too jam-packed with events. I can’t sacrifice a nap any day of the week, but when I’m on work travel, it’s essential that I get my rest. Again, my hosts were more than willing to ensure that there was a break during the day, and I feel good about the schedule of events.

I know that living with lupus can be a logistical nightmare. I know the disease can be demanding, and that the accommodations you have to make can be challenging. Do I wish that my body wasn’t quite so needy? You bet. But since I know that it is, better to acknowledge that fact, and work in concert with my limitations, rather than ignore and get sick over them. I’m thankful that my 12+ years with lupus has taught me not to shy away from an opportunity like this one. Being invited to Memphis to support fellow lupus patients in a quest to raise awareness and funds is an honor. Years ago, I might have talked myself out of this trip – too many logistics, potentially too taxing, and definitely too embarrassing to admit my limitations or ask for accommodations. But more than a decade of the disease has taught me that a little honesty, some forethought, and a bit of planning can pave the way for living well, despite lupus. Not much is off limits these days, as long as I plan in such a way that my health isn’t sacrificed. So far, so good!


auntpearl said…
It is wonderful to read about your busy life and see that you are helping those of us who have lupus. When I was first diagnosed there wasn't a book to be found to help with all my symptoms and feelings. I am at a point right now that my lupus has made me pretty isolated. Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel to keep me going.
Sara Gorman said…
Thanks for stopping by! i'm so happy to hear that you have lupus blog--i bet you'll be able to connect with lupus patients galore that way. That isolation can be a terrible feeling, but reaching out to others who have felt or who currently feel the same as you do will ideally replace that sense of isolation with a feeling of community. feel free to check back often to the despite lupus community anytime!! :)

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