Breech baby good bye!

The tide has turned…and so has Kit Kat! I’m happy to announce that our adorable baby Kit Kat was head down at our most recent appointment this week…AND feeling rather photogenic. Here's a new photos of the little munchkin. Can you believe how incredible the 3-D imaging is? We think our favorite sonographer, Jie (pronounced Jay) does a great job of capturing KitKat in baby’s best light.

In other baby updates, the PR interval looks great (so no sign of congenital heart block caused by the lupus antibodies I carry (SS-A and SS-B), big K is weighing in at 1 lb, 15 oz, and we managed yet another sonogram without finding out the sex of the baby (much to the dismay of my sister and mom.) KitKat is also measuring in the 50th! I've never had a 50th percentile baby before. Deirdre maxed out at about 25%, I think, and hovered around the 15% mark for the first six months of her life. KitKat's leaning toward being a big one...but not if I have anything to say about it!
So all is well in babyland…now to finish Deirdre’s big girl room so that big sis can move out of the nursery and make way for Kit Kat. I hope she likes pink!