Good things come to those who nap : Lupus motto 2014

Many thanks to, Tracey Rosencrans, who selected the winners, and George Krucik, MD, MBA, who medically reviewed the selections. I am honored to have been selected alongside the other lupus bloggers, many of whom I've "met" and worked with over the years. There are now so many valuable resources available for lupus patients on the internet- and you can find at least eleven of them right here on this list. (I'll not include DL, which makes for the 12th on the list. If you're reading, I'll assume you think we're A-Okay!)
My husband is always teasing me that good things happen when I nap, which he says should encourage me to take them. If this is any example, I guess there might be something to it!
I think my motto for 2014 is going to be "good things come to those who nap." Let us be encouraged, empowered, and motivated to nap away, and may we be bowled over by goodness and prosperity!