
Showing posts from May, 2018

"Ohhh. You were just trying to shoot the pillfold." #photobomb #photoshoot #workfromhome #productshoot #productshot #pillfold #pills #pillorganizer #coworker #blog #tibetanterriersofinstagram

Pink Pill Pizzazz. šŸ’• Pink Pill Deal! Save 15% - Code inside!

Pops of pink šŸ’Ÿ Lupus doesn't define me - and I have a business to prove it! READ MORE

Tia votes for "LAUNDRY". šŸ¶ ENTER TO WIN: Tell us what you're willing to let go of, for the sake of your health! Details inside!

Masking for Memorial Day. šŸ’†šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Cute tote - Cute girl - All mine. ā¤ Another perfect kid activity when lupus is a factor.

Despite Lupus named to Healthline's Best Lupus Blogs 2018!

Lupus Lab Fact - Kidney Involvement. Yup, I'm part of that 40%. How about you?

šŸ¶ What are YOU going to let slide today? #lettinggo #itsallgood šŸŽ‰ ENTER TO WIN - Details inside!

Last chance! šŸŽ‰ Tell us how long it took YOU to get diagnosed with lupus, and you could win! šŸŽ‰

Nailed it! šŸ’… DEAL OF THE DAY! 40% sale - details inside!

FREE LUPUS GIVEAWAY šŸŽ‰: How long did it take YOU to get a lupus diagnosis? Here's how to win!

The Impact of Lupus

And this week's winners are...

Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

Inconsistent medicine = More flares. Yikes!

Cute print alert! Our pillfolds are a little bit Vera with a dash of Lilly this season!

The Burden of Lupus

Day 15 (&16): Yesterday's Healthy #deedoftheday was a Chest CT Scan and a 24 Hour UA. #lupus Today's healthy deed is enjoying this.

And the winners are...

"Lupus" made of Slime. How appropriate! (Art by Deirdre, age 9.) #lupusistheslimiest šŸŽ‰ LAST CHANCE - ENTER TO WIN- DEtails inside

Me: Come on the car. Time for school. Kids: We need allergy medicine. Me: But we don't have time! Kids: Grab the Just in Case!! šŸš—šŸ«šŸš—

Sunday Afternoon with my girls. So we like to organize a bit?! Take a look for details!

Free Copies of Despite Lupus! Enter to win today!

Texas Toast French Toast. Does it get any better? šŸžšŸž This morning's pill taking session.

#LAM18 Kickoff - Lupus Patients are not just a lab result! Plus why tracking your symptoms is so important.