
Showing posts from January, 2018

Thanks, MedCity News, for including the patient perspective in an article on Outcome Health!

Morning essentials. ā˜•ā˜• #dessertforbreakfast #dessertfirst #coffeetime #pillfold #blog #animalprint Fabulous Monster Cookie recipe courtesy of @adashofsanity

Needed a friendly face right now. šŸ¶ šŸ¶ Waiting at the hospital to be called for a Chest CT scan. Upon check in, I learned I owed $895, not the $350 quoted by my insurance yesterday. Blah. Good news is that I feel great...just trying to figure out why my xrays still show pneumonia remnants from last summer. Double blah. Accepting finger crossing and prayers of all sorts. #pupsfixeverything #dogsofinstagram #cutebuttrouble #despitelupus #blog #lupus #tibetanterrier

Flash sale! Flash Sale! See inside for details!

Mid-day snack for mid-day pills šŸŽšŸŽ - featuring our fave toppings of #peanutbutter, #coconut, & #chocolate. #eatmorepb

Oh, to be back in Martinique, where my pillfold much preferred poolside pillpopping.

Oh. That's where I put my favorite Kate Spade earrings. ā™ ā™  #doubleduty