23andMe Lupus Study - consider another Lupus patient's sample on its way!

Thanks, Lupus Research Institute, 23andMe, and Pfizer for heading up the Lupus Research Study. I've registered, I've spit, I've sent. Now on to the next survey!


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Lisa Voicheck said…
Mine is on its way as well!
Shelley Page said…
I'm in Canada, but it looks like they might be only seeking US lupus patients at this point? Has anyone heard for sure?
Sara Gorman said…
Glad you asked! Unfortunately, it looks like
US residency is required - but hopefully they'll expand their participant reach soon. Here are the other requirements, to clarify:

You've been diagnosed with lupus by a qualified physician.
You consent to have 23andMe (via a partner) contact your physician to obtain your medical records.
You're willing to submit a saliva sample for DNA testing and complete online surveys related to your condition.
You are at least 6 years old (minors under 18 require parental consent to enroll).
You have access to the Internet.
You reside in the United States.

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