Rock, Paper, Cocktails! 2014: Monday, Sept 29th, Old Town Alexandria. See you there!

I'm pleased to be supporting the cause once again by participating in the annual Rock, Paper, Cocktails shopping benefit. The event, which raises money for below-the-belt cancers, will be held next Monday, September 29th, in the swanky Hotel Monaco in Old Town, Alexandria. Come shop for the cause, and you can check out the brand new Fall Pillfold designs in person. That is, IF they last... :)
Details for the fun event are below, and you can buy advance tickets here:
Rock, Paper, Cocktails! 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (PDT)
Hotel Monaco, A Kimpton Hotel
480 King Street
Alexandria, VA
Please join the 2014 RPC Host Committee
at the SIXTH annual Rock, Paper, Cocktails!
A shopping benefit to defeat women's "below-the-belt" cancers
supporting the mission of the Inova Women's Hospital...
and help Jennie McGihon celebrate her five-year cancer cure!
VIP Reception 6 p.m. | General Admission at 7 p.m. | First Raffle Drawing at 7:30 p.m. | Live Auction at 8:30 p.m. | Event Concludes at 10:00 p.m.
VIP tickets $47, includes one complimentary cocktail + champagne toast to a cure.
Regular admission tickets $37, includes champagne toast to a cure.
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and sweet treats available with ticket purchase.
Discounted cash bar with complimentary non-alcoholic beverages.
Only advance ticket sales for purchase.
Cash, checks, and credit accepted by all vendors.
Over a dozen local fine gift vendors will be on hand!