
Showing posts from January, 2020

Finishing the weekend like... ๐Ÿซ This cute black and white floral was our best selling Pillfold this week. Wonder if it was the batch of brownies we gave away with each order! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #joking #dontjokeaboutchocolate ๐Ÿซ BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR STORIES FOR BEHIND THE SCENES! ๐Ÿถ #dogsofinstagram #brownies #chocolate #sundaynight #sundayscaries #pillfold #blog

Lupus and Self-awareness: Finding Patterns and making things happen!

Dreaming of Cabo while freezing in D.C. right now!! โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒฌ We're staying put this weekend, but our Fall trip to Cabo San Lucas was one of my faves! I stashed my Gemfold next to the complimentary tequila...a shot for every pair of earrings worn! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #justkidding #notatequilagirl #thecapehotel #cabo #tequila #freestuff #blog

Operation: Bathroom Cabinet -- 1st Shelf = Kids Medicine = Voila! The Just In Case Kid's Toiletry bag to the rescue! #blog #bathroom #organize #clutter #bathroomorganization #medicinecabinet

Operation: Bathroom Cabinet -- 1st Shelf = Kids Medicine = Total Mess. Wait for the After: the Just In Case Kid's Toiletry bag to the rescue! #blog #bathroom #organize #clutter #bathroomorganization #medicinecabinet

Turning over a new leaf (spinach!) Healthy eating, exercise, and taking vitamins. That's what my 2020's looking like! #readytorock #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #spinach #healthyme #pillfold #blog #newyearsresolution #newyearnewyou

Everyday Health Top 10 Arthritis Blogs to Watch in 2020 - Despite Lupus included!

Lupus and Stress: All stress is not created equal!

Who has "Get Organized " on their list of New Year's Resolutions?? ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ—‚๐Ÿ–‡ The medicine cabinet and under the sink are definitely in my Top 5!