
Showing posts from February, 2017

I can't think of anything else I'll need on my trip to Boca this weekend. Girls trip 2017!! #pillfold #boca #girlstrip #blog

Sky, aqua, cobalt, navy, midnight, oxford, baby, powder...Who can name another?? #blue

Show and Teal. Love this @missoni color combo!

Varsity Blues Friday Saleday!

"Do not take on empty stomach." I don't intend to. ā¤

The power of positive thinking, by Bernie G, age 6.

Top Health Influencers of 2017 - My sincere thanks for including Despite Lupus!

"I'd rather stay sick than be well," said no one ever. That's right - Take your meds when and how you're supposed to. Put them in something pretty if you have to.

The secret ingredient to living well with lupus: A dose of hope.

Who needs a souvenir shop when there are beaches to comb? Collected over my lifetime, this shell display is my favorite #diy decor to date.