Living with Lupus: Make Lupus Small - Things to avoid
In the previous post, I talked about the things I can do to make lupus small. Just as important, though, are the things I can avoid to make the disease behave.
I know. I know. Most of us do better with positive directives - DO 10 min of exercise daily, DO eat 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits.
But there's an interesting article in Psychology Today that explains the value of both positive and negative types of thinking, which you can read here. I think it depends on the situation.
For instance, I personally like the sound of:
DO eat a piece of chocolate every night.
DON'T eat too much dessert.
But sometimes I need to hear -
DON'T take your kids to the mall during your naptime
instead of trying to think
DO allow time to take a nap when planning a trip to the mall.
Know what I mean?
The DON'T is direct, and sounds almost like a warning, making me really sit up and listen. The DO, on the other hand, sounds more like a recommendation, a precautionary measure to consider, if and when convenient.
Here's my short list of things to AVOID:
*Avoid difficult people who need proof of your illness.
It's like blackmail - they're always going to want more, and it's not going to end well. Instead, find the people who accept you and your illness without question. The Doubting Thomas types might come around. Or they might not. But you will be well on your way surrounded by more supportive peeps.
*Avoid exhaustive explanations about lupus.
If someone doesn't get it, find someone who does. You can always loop back once the blockhead (did I just write that?) is more open to hearing what you have to say.
*Avoid doing things that make you flare.
Simple, right? Really, it kind of is. When my disease was active, I always flared after spending time in the sun. So I stopped. I used beach umbrellas, took breaks, sought out different times of the day to be outside, and temporarily dropped activities that caused me to be symptomatic. Same thing with cleaning the house: I can dust, I can clean bathrooms, I can do dishes, make the beds, and wipe down countertops. But mopping the floor and vacuuming are two tasks that always make my joints hurt. So I delegate. (Yes, I know we can't quit everything. But start with activities that are expendable, and go from there.)
Things to AVOID continued tomorrow!