Lupus workarounds - the reason for the pigtails

It was about this time last year that I talked of my latest (and hopefully last) round of hair loss. I'm happy to say that since that time, my hair has been growing strong - coming in curly - but still thick, dark locks. I've continued to keep my hair long, because it seems to give me more flexibility while I wait for my full head of hair to return. The locks that are growing back are about 50% of the way there - which is good for fullness, but bad for consistency. Leaving my hair to dry on its own usually produces a mess of curliness, and pulling my hair back doesn't really work, because half of the strands aren't long enough to make it. But, being the ingenious lupite that I am, I discovered that side pigtails are a great solution. All of the little strands are filed nicely away, and no one would ever know that something was amiss.

In fact, I've been putting my hair in pigtails for so long now (9 months +), that I even forgot why I was wearing pigtails in the first place. I went to a support group meeting last month, and one of my friends commented on my piggies, inquiring why I was sporting the cute new 'do. And you know what? I couldn't remember! I actually said something about putting Deirdre and Bernie in pigtails all the time, and that I must have been inspired.  It wasn't until I was driving home that I was thinking, "Why AM I doing pigtails all the time now?" And then it dawned on me.  It was actually an accommodation I'd come with. How about that!

I've shared a ton of tips on hair loss before, which you can read here. Let's hope that all of our workarounds can be as easily integrated into our daily routines as this one was for me!


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